? ?大金正在采取措施進一步整合其在歐洲的商用制冷業務。
負責16個國家/地區的大金中歐分公司(Daikin Central Europe, DACE),已通過合并大金和AHT業務為其在食品零售和商業制冷業務建立了單一業務鏈條。與此同時,在意大利,由大金空調意大利SpA、扎諾蒂SpA(Zanotti SpA)和意大利AHT組成的團隊將在意大利AHT的領導下成立。
? 在中歐和東歐的新業務部門將由奧地利,捷克共和國,斯洛伐克,匈牙利,羅馬尼亞,保加利亞,摩爾多瓦,斯洛文尼亞,塞爾維亞,克羅地亞,波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那,北馬其頓,黑山,科索沃,阿爾巴尼亞,波蘭共同組成。這個部門將結合Daikin和AHT的產品和服務范圍。
根據Daikin CEO的說法,此部門旨在為零售食品行業的客戶提供更好的服務和支持。
新的戰略業務部門名為Project Fresh,將由Daniel Winch領導,Daniel Winch目前是DACE商業部門的負責人,并將由經驗豐富的AHT團隊全力支持。Winch于2016年加入大金,在HVACR行業擁有25年的經驗,此前曾在Carrier工作。
? ?眾所周知,自2019年收購AHT以來,大金一直在致力于改善大金集團產品在食品零售和上游領域的協同銷售構想。
該流程也已在意大利啟動,在意大利AHT的領導下,組成了由意大利Daikin空調公司SpA,Zanotti SpA和AHT Italia組成的團隊。
AHT Italia承諾將在內部售后服務部門的支持下提供更好的客戶服務,該部門涵蓋大金的所有制冷系統,AHT,Zanotti,Tewis和Hubbard。,AHT Italia表示在新的結構下,它將不僅是商業制冷領域的供應商,而且是顧問和合作伙伴。大金將致力于提供可行性研究,服務和協助。
Daikin is taking steps to further integrate its commercial refrigeration operations in Europe.
Daikin Central Europe (DACE), which is responsible for 16 countries, has established a single source business units for its food retail and commercial refrigeration business by combining its Daikin and AHT operations. Meanwhile, in Italy, a team comprising components of Daikin Air Conditioning Italy SpA, Zanotti SpA and AHT Italia will be formed under the leadership of AHT Italia.
The new business units in Central Europe and Eastern Europe, which comprises Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Poland, will combine the product and service range of both Daikin and AHT.?
According to Daikin CE, this organisational change is designed to provide improved service and support to customers in the retail food industry.?
“Following the final acquisition of AHT in 2019, Daikin came closer to its goal of becoming a full-service provider. The new unit will now offer and live the “one-stop-shop” concept and is combing the experience of DACE and AHT staff and partners,” the company said in a statement.
The new strategic business unit, named Project Fresh, will be led by Daniel Winch, who currently heads the commercial department at DACE and will be fully supported by an experienced AHT team. Winch joined Daikin in 2016, has 25 years of experience in the HVACR industry and previously worked for Carrier.?
Improved synergy
Daikin is known to have been working on proposals to improve synergy sales of Daikin Group products in food retail and forecourt sectors since the acquisition of AHT in 2019.?
The process has also been initiated in Italy, where a team comprising components of Daikin Air Conditioning Italy SpA, Zanotti SpA and AHT Italia has been formed under the leadership of AHT Italia.
AHT Italia promises better customer service, supported by an internal after-sales service department covering all Daikin’s refrigeration systems, AHT, Zanotti, Tewis and Hubbard. With the new structure, AHT Italia says it will not only be a supplier, but also a consultant and partner in the commercial refrigeration sector, able to offer feasibility studies, services and assistance.