R449A 制冷劑由四種成分混合而成:R32、R125、R1234yf 和 R134a。 它屬于氫氟烯烴 (HFO) 類別,是氫氟碳化合物 (HFC) 的環保替代品,具有較高的全球變暖潛值 (GWP) 和臭氧消耗潛值 (ODP)。 R449A 的 ODP 為零,GWP 低至 1397,比中低溫制冷應用中常用制冷劑 R404A 和 R507 低 64%。
R449A 旨在取代新的和現有的制冷系統中的 R404A 和 R507,例如超市展示柜、冷藏室、制冰機、運輸制冷和工業制冷。 它具有與 R404A 和 R507 相似的性能和容量,但具有更高的能源效率和更低的環境影響。 R449A 與 R404A 和 R507 系統中常用的多元醇酯 (POE) 油兼容。 它也是不易燃的,安全等級為 A11255。
R449A 以不同的商品名銷售,例如科慕 (Chemours) 的 Opteon? XP40、霍尼韋爾 (Honeywell) 的 Solstice? N40 和阿科瑪 (Arkema) 的 Forane? 449A。 它可從世界各地的各個經銷商和批發商處購買。 R449A 必須從液相中加入,以確保成分準確并避免分餾。 在處理和使用 R449A 制冷劑時,遵循制造商的說明和安全預防措施也很重要。
R449A refrigerant is a blend of four components: R32, R125, R1234yf and R134a. It belongs to the class of hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), which are environmentally friendly alternatives to hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that have high global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP). R449A has zero ODP and a low GWP of 1397, which is 64% lower than R404A and R507, the common refrigerants used in low and medium temperature refrigeration applications12345.
R449A is designed to replace R404A and R507 in new and existing refrigeration systems, such as supermarket display cases, cold rooms, ice machines, transport refrigeration, and industrial refrigeration. It has similar performance and capacity to R404A and R507, but with improved energy efficiency and lower environmental impact. R449A is compatible with polyolester (POE) oils, which are commonly used in R404A and R507 systems. It is also non-flammable and has a safety classification of A112345.
R449A is marketed under different trade names, such as Opteon? XP40 by Chemours6, Solstice? N40 by Honeywell, and Forane? 449A by Arkema. It is available from various distributors and wholesalers around the world. R449A must be charged from the liquid phase to ensure accurate composition and avoid fractionation. It is also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions when handling and using R449A refrigerant