巨化R22制冷劑,別名R22、氟利昂22、F-22、HCFC-22、二氟一氯甲烷,商品名稱有Freon 22、Genetron 22等,中文名稱二氟一氯甲烷,英文名稱Chlorodifuoromethane,化學式CHClF2。
R22冷媒作為當今使用最廣泛的中低溫制冷劑,主要應用于家用空調、商用空調、中央空調、移動空調、熱泵熱水器、除濕機、冷凍式干燥器、冷庫、食品冷凍設備、船用制冷設備、工業制冷、商業制冷,冷凍冷凝機組、超市陳列展示柜等制冷設備。 二氟一氯甲烷也可用于生產聚四氟乙烯樹脂的原料和滅火劑1121的中間體,以及用于聚合物(塑料)物理發泡劑。
產品標準:GB/T 7373-2006
產品用途: 用作制冷劑、農藥噴霧劑,也用作滅火劑及氟樹脂的原料,
理化性質: 在常溫常壓下是一種無色、無味、無毒的氣體;熔點-146℃,沸點-40.8℃,相對密度(水=1)1.21;與空氣混合時,不燃、無爆炸危險,具有較高的熱穩定性和化學穩定性。
包裝規格:非重復充裝鋼瓶:15lb/6.8kg、22lb/10kg、30lb/13.6kg、50lb/22.7kg 重復充裝鋼瓶:400L、800L、926L、1000L、ISO-TANK。
Product Name: Industrial Difluorochloromethane (R22)
Molecular formula: CHCLF2
Relative molecular weight: 86.47
Product standard: GB/T 7373-2006
Usage: used as refrigerant, pesticide spray, fire extinguishing agent and raw material of fluorine resin.
Physical and chemical properties: It is a colorless, odorless, and non-toxic gas at normal temperatures and pressures; Melting point -146 ℃, boiling point -40.8 ℃, relative density (water=1) 1.21; When mixed with air, it is non flammable, has no explosion risk, and has high thermal and chemical stability.
Packaging ,Storage and Transportation: This product is shipped with special cylinders or storage tank (tanker truck) and should be stored in a cool and dry place. It should not be near heat sources, and it is strictly prohibited from being exposed to sunlight or rain. Storage and transportation should comply with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on railway and road transportation.
Packaging specifications: Non refillable steel cylinders: 15lb/6.8kg, 22lb/10kg, 30lb/13.6kg, 50lb/22.7kg, refillable steel cylinders: 400L, 800L, 926L, 1000L, ISO-TANK.